Wednesday 29 June 2016

Four years baby's genital chopped off

Following the chopping off of a four – month old baby private part by her step mother, the wife of the Niger State governor, Dr. Amina Abubakar Bello, has sought for Justice.
A statement by the press secretary to the governor’s wife, Aisha Wakaso, described the act as the height of wickedness.
The statement added that it was heartbreaking to see an innocent boy go through such a near-death experience and expressed happiness that the boy was still alive, adding that   everything would be done to bring the perpetrator of the dastardly act to justice.
According to the statement, the governor’s wife had already put machinery in motion to ensure that the boy received the best medical attention possible.
The wife of the governor appealed to members of the public to always exercise restraint when they were angry so that innocent children or even adults would not be subjected to unwarranted violence.
It will be recalled that Bara’atu, a 22- year- old step mother of Buhari in Diakpe village of Shiroro local government area of Niger State was arrested by the police for cutting off the private part of her four- month- old step son.

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